Source code for bimmer_connected.account

"""Access to a MyBMW account and all vehicles therein."""

import datetime
import json
import logging
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional

from bimmer_connected.api.authentication import MyBMWAuthentication
from bimmer_connected.api.client import RESPONSE_STORE, MyBMWClient, MyBMWClientConfiguration
from bimmer_connected.api.regions import Regions
from bimmer_connected.const import (
from bimmer_connected.models import AnonymizedResponse, GPSPosition, MyBMWAPIError, MyBMWAuthError, MyBMWQuotaError
from bimmer_connected.vehicle import MyBMWVehicle

VALID_UNTIL_OFFSET = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class MyBMWAccount: """Create a new connection to the MyBMW web service.""" username: str """MyBMW user name (email) or 86-prefixed phone number (China only).""" password: InitVar[str] """MyBMW password.""" region: Regions """Region of the account. See `api.Regions`.""" config: MyBMWClientConfiguration = None # type: ignore[assignment] """Optional. If provided, username/password/region are ignored.""" log_responses: InitVar[bool] = False """Optional. If set, all responses from the server will be logged to this directory.""" observer_position: InitVar[GPSPosition] = None """Optional. Required for getting a position on older cars.""" use_metric_units: InitVar[Optional[bool]] = None """Deprecated. All returned values are metric units (km, l).""" vehicles: List[MyBMWVehicle] = field(default_factory=list, init=False) def __post_init__(self, password, log_responses, observer_position, use_metric_units): """Initialize the account.""" if use_metric_units is not None: _LOGGER.warning( "The use_metric_units parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. " "All values will be returned in metric units, as the parameter has no effect on the API." ) if self.config is None: self.config = MyBMWClientConfiguration( MyBMWAuthentication(self.username, password, self.region), log_responses=log_responses, observer_position=observer_position, ) async def _init_vehicles(self) -> None: """Initialize vehicles from BMW servers.""" _LOGGER.debug("Getting vehicle list") fetched_at = async with MyBMWClient(self.config) as client: for brand in CarBrands: request_headers = client.generate_default_header(brand) vehicle_list_response = await VEHICLES_URL, headers=request_headers, ) for vehicle in vehicle_list_response.json()["mappingInfos"]: vehicle_profile_response = await client.get( VEHICLE_PROFILE_URL, headers=dict(request_headers, **{"bmw-vin": vehicle["vin"]}) ) vehicle_profile = vehicle_profile_response.json() vehicle_base = dict( {ATTR_ATTRIBUTES: {k: v for k, v in vehicle_profile.items() if k != "vin"}}, **{"vin": vehicle_profile["vin"]} ) await self.add_vehicle(vehicle_base, fetched_at)
[docs] async def get_vehicles(self, force_init: bool = False) -> None: """Retrieve vehicle data from BMW servers.""" _LOGGER.debug("Getting vehicle list") if len(self.vehicles) == 0 or force_init: await self._init_vehicles() error_count = 0 for vehicle in self.vehicles: # Get the detailed vehicle state try: await vehicle.get_vehicle_state() except (MyBMWAPIError, json.JSONDecodeError) as ex: # We don't want to fail completely if one vehicle fails, but we want to know about it error_count += 1 # If it's a MyBMWQuotaError or MyBMWAuthError, we want to raise it if isinstance(ex, (MyBMWQuotaError, MyBMWAuthError)): raise ex # Always log the error _LOGGER.error("Unable to get details for vehicle %s - (%s) %s",, type(ex).__name__, ex) # If all vehicles fail, we want to raise an exception if error_count == len(self.vehicles): raise ex
[docs] async def add_vehicle( self, vehicle_base: dict, fetched_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ) -> None: """Add or update a vehicle from the API responses.""" existing_vehicle = self.get_vehicle(vehicle_base["vin"]) # If vehicle already exists, just update it's state if existing_vehicle: await existing_vehicle.get_vehicle_state() else: self.vehicles.append(MyBMWVehicle(self, vehicle_base, fetched_at))
[docs] def get_vehicle(self, vin: str) -> Optional[MyBMWVehicle]: """Get vehicle with given VIN. The search is NOT case sensitive. :param vin: VIN of the vehicle you want to get. :return: Returns None if no vehicle is found. """ for car in self.vehicles: if == vin.upper(): return car return None
[docs] def set_observer_position(self, latitude: float, longitude: float) -> None: """Set the position of the observer for all vehicles.""" self.config.observer_position = GPSPosition(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude)
[docs] def set_refresh_token(self, refresh_token: str, gcid: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Overwrite the current value of the MyBMW refresh token and GCID (if available).""" self.config.authentication.refresh_token = refresh_token self.config.authentication.gcid = gcid
[docs] @staticmethod def get_stored_responses() -> List[AnonymizedResponse]: """Return responses stored if log_responses was set to True.""" responses = list(RESPONSE_STORE) RESPONSE_STORE.clear() return responses
@property def refresh_token(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the current refresh_token.""" return self.config.authentication.refresh_token @property def gcid(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the current GCID.""" return self.config.authentication.gcid