"""Generic API management."""
import logging
import ssl
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Deque, Dict, Optional, Union
import httpx
from bimmer_connected.api.authentication import MyBMWAuthentication
from bimmer_connected.api.regions import get_app_version, get_server_url, get_user_agent
from bimmer_connected.api.utils import anonymize_response, get_correlation_id, handle_httpstatuserror
from bimmer_connected.const import HTTPX_TIMEOUT, X_USER_AGENT, CarBrands
from bimmer_connected.models import AnonymizedResponse, GPSPosition
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESPONSE_STORE: Deque[AnonymizedResponse] = deque(maxlen=10)
class MyBMWClientConfiguration:
"""Stores global settings for MyBMWClient."""
authentication: MyBMWAuthentication
log_responses: Optional[bool] = False
observer_position: Optional[GPSPosition] = None
verify: Union[ssl.SSLContext, str, bool] = True
def set_log_responses(self, log_responses: bool) -> None:
"""Set if responses are logged and clear response store."""
self.log_responses = log_responses
class MyBMWClient(httpx.AsyncClient):
"""Async HTTP client based on `httpx.AsyncClient` with automated OAuth token refresh."""
def __init__(self, config: MyBMWClientConfiguration, *args, brand: Optional[CarBrands] = None, **kwargs):
self.config = config
# Add authentication
kwargs["auth"] = self.config.authentication
# Increase timeout
kwargs["timeout"] = httpx.Timeout(HTTPX_TIMEOUT)
# Use external SSL context stored in MyBMWClientConfiguration. Required in Home Assistant due to event loop
# blocking when httpx loads SSL certificates from disk. If not given, uses httpx defaults.
kwargs["verify"] = self.config.verify
# Set default values
kwargs["base_url"] = kwargs.get("base_url") or get_server_url(config.authentication.region)
kwargs["headers"] = kwargs.get("headers") or self.generate_default_header(brand)
# Register event hooks
kwargs["event_hooks"] = defaultdict(list, **kwargs.get("event_hooks", {}))
# Event hook for logging content
async def log_response(response: httpx.Response):
await response.aread()
if config.log_responses:
# Event hook which calls raise_for_status on all requests
async def raise_for_status_event_handler(response: httpx.Response):
"""Event handler that automatically raises HTTPStatusErrors when attached.
Will only raise on 4xx/5xx errors but not 401/429 which are handled `self.auth`.
if response.is_error and response.status_code not in [401, 429]:
except httpx.HTTPStatusError as ex:
await handle_httpstatuserror(ex, log_handler=_LOGGER)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)