The bimmer_connected.vehicle
module contains all data & parsers for a vehicle.
Models state and remote services of one vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.vehicle.LscType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Known Values for lsc_type field.
Not really sure, what this value really contains.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.vehicle.MyBMWVehicle(account: MyBMWAccount, vehicle_base: dict, fetched_at: datetime | None = None)[source]
Models state and remote services of one vehicle.
- Parameters:
account – MyBMW account this vehicle belongs to
attributes – attributes of the vehicle as provided by the server
- property available_attributes: List[str]
Get the list of non-drivetrain attributes available for this vehicle.
- combine_data(data: Dict | List[Dict], fetched_at: datetime | None = None) Dict [source]
Combine API responses and additional information to a single dictionary.
- property drive_train: DriveTrainType
Get the type of drive train of the vehicle.
- property drive_train_attributes: List[str]
Get list of attributes available for the drive train of the vehicle.
The list of available attributes depends if on the type of drive train. Some attributes only exist for electric/hybrid vehicles, others only if you have a combustion engine. Depending on the state of the vehicle, some of the attributes might still be None.
- async get_vehicle_image(direction: VehicleViewDirection) bytes [source]
Get a rendered image of the vehicle.
:returns bytes containing the image in PNG format.
- property has_combustion_drivetrain: bool
Return True if vehicle is equipped with an internal combustion engine.
In this case we can get the state of the gas tank.
- property has_electric_drivetrain: bool
Return True if vehicle is equipped with a high voltage battery.
In this case we can get the state of the battery in the state attributes.
- property is_charging_plan_supported: bool
Return True if charging profile is available and can be set via API.
- property is_charging_settings_supported: bool
Return True if charging settings can be set via API.
- property is_lsc_enabled: bool
Return True if LastStateCall is enabled (vehicle automatically updates API).
- property is_remote_charge_start_enabled: bool
Return True if charging can be started via the API.
- property is_remote_charge_stop_enabled: bool
Return True if charging can be stop via the API.
- property is_remote_climate_start_enabled: bool
Return True if AC/ventilation can be started via the API.
- property is_remote_climate_stop_enabled: bool
Return True if AC/ventilation can be stopped via the API.
- property is_remote_horn_enabled: bool
Return True if the horn can be activated via the API.
- property is_remote_lights_enabled: bool
Return True if the lights can be activated via the API.
- property is_remote_lock_enabled: bool
Return True if vehicle can be locked via the API.
- property is_remote_sendpoi_enabled: bool
Return True if POIs can be set via the API.
- property is_remote_set_ac_limit_enabled: bool
Return True if AC limit can be set via the API.
- property is_remote_set_target_soc_enabled: bool
Return True if Target SoC can be set via the API.
- property is_remote_unlock_enabled: bool
Return True if POIs can be unlocked via the API.
- property is_vehicle_active: bool
Deprecated, always returns False.
Check if the vehicle is active/moving.
If the vehicle was active/moving at the time of the last status update, current position is not available.
- property is_vehicle_tracking_enabled: bool
Return True if vehicle finder is enabled in vehicle.
- property lsc_type: LscType
Get the lscType of the vehicle.
Not really sure what that value really means. If it is NOT_CAPABLE, that probably means that the vehicle state will not contain much data.
- property mileage: ValueWithUnit
Get the mileage of the vehicle.
- property name: str
Get the name of the vehicle.
- property timestamp: datetime | None
Get the timestamp when the data was recorded.
- update_state(data: Dict | List[Dict], fetched_at: datetime | None = None) None [source]
Update the state of a vehicle.
- property vin: str
Get the VIN (vehicle identification number) of the vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.vehicle.VehicleViewDirection(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Viewing angles for the vehicle.
This is used to get a rendered image of the vehicle.
- ANGLE_SIDE_VIEW_FORTY = 'AngleSideViewForty'
- ANGLE_SIDE_VIEW_SIXTY = 'AngleSideViewSixty'
- DASHBOARD = 'Dashboard'
- DRIVERDOOR = 'Driverdoor'
- FRONT = 'FrontView'
- FRONTSIDE = 'VehicleStatus'
- FRONT_LEFT = 'FrontLeft'
- FRONT_RIGHT = 'FrontRight'
- REAR_LEFT = 'RearLeft'
- REAR_RIGHT = 'RearRight'
- REAR_VIEW = 'RearView'
- SIDE = 'SideViewLeft'
Trigger remote services on a vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.remote_services.ExecutionState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Enumeration of possible states of the execution of a remote service.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.remote_services.RemoteServiceStatus(response: dict, event_id: str | None = None)[source]
Wraps the status of the execution of a remote service.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.remote_services.RemoteServices(vehicle: MyBMWVehicle)[source]
Trigger remote services on a vehicle.
- async trigger_charge_start() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to start charging.
- async trigger_charge_stop() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to stop charging.
- async trigger_charging_profile_update(charging_mode: ChargingMode | None = None, precondition_climate: bool | None = None) RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Update the charging profile on the vehicle.
- async trigger_charging_settings_update(target_soc: int | None = None, ac_limit: int | None = None) RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Update the charging settings on the vehicle.
- async trigger_remote_air_conditioning() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the air conditioning to start.
- async trigger_remote_air_conditioning_stop() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the air conditioning to stop.
- async trigger_remote_door_lock() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to lock its doors.
- async trigger_remote_door_unlock() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to unlock its doors.
- async trigger_remote_horn() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to sound its horn.
- async trigger_remote_light_flash() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle to flash its headlights.
- async trigger_remote_service(service_id: Services, params: Dict | None = None, data: Any = None, refresh: bool = False) RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger a remote service and wait for the result.
- async trigger_remote_vehicle_finder() RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Trigger the vehicle finder.
- async trigger_send_poi(poi: PointOfInterest | Dict) RemoteServiceStatus [source]
Send a PointOfInterest to the vehicle.
- Parameters:
poi – A PointOfInterest containing at least ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ and optionally ‘name’, ‘street’, ‘city’, ‘postalCode’, ‘country’
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.remote_services.Services(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Enumeration of possible services to be executed.
- AIR_CONDITIONING = 'climate-now'
- CHARGE_START = 'start-charging'
- CHARGE_STOP = 'stop-charging'
- DOOR_LOCK = 'door-lock'
- DOOR_UNLOCK = 'door-unlock'
- HORN = 'horn-blow'
- LIGHT_FLASH = 'light-flash'
- VEHICLE_FINDER = 'vehicle-finder'
Models the charging profiles of a vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.charging_profile.ChargingMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Charging mode of electric vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.charging_profile.ChargingPreferences(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Charging preferences of electric vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.charging_profile.ChargingProfile(is_pre_entry_climatization_enabled: bool, timer_type: TimerTypes, departure_times: List[DepartureTimer], preferred_charging_window: ChargingWindow, charging_preferences: ChargingPreferences, charging_mode: ChargingMode, ac_current_limit: int | None = None, ac_available_limits: list | None = None, charging_preferences_service_pack: str | None = None)[source]
Models the charging profile of a vehicle.
- ac_available_limits: list | None = None
Available AC limits to be selected.
- ac_current_limit: int | None = None
Returns the ac current limit.
- charging_mode: ChargingMode
Returns the preferred charging mode.
- charging_preferences: ChargingPreferences
Returns the preferred charging preferences.
- charging_preferences_service_pack: str | None = None
Service Pack required for remote service format.
- departure_times: List[DepartureTimer]
List of timers.
- format_for_remote_service() dict [source]
Format current charging profile as base to be sent to remote service.
- is_pre_entry_climatization_enabled: bool
Get status of pre-entry climatization.
- preferred_charging_window: ChargingWindow
Returns the preferred charging window.
- timer_type: TimerTypes
Returns the current timer plan type.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.charging_profile.ChargingWindow(window_dict: dict)[source]
A charging window.
- property end_time: time
End of the charging window.
- property start_time: time
Start of the charging window.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.charging_profile.DepartureTimer(timer_dict: dict)[source]
A departure timer.
- property action: str | None
What does the timer do.
- property start_time: time | None
Deperture time for this timer.
- property timer_id: int | None
ID of this timer.
- property weekdays: List[str]
Active weekdays for this timer.
Models the state of a vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.DoorsAndWindows(door_lock_state: ~bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.LockState = LockState.UNKNOWN, lids: ~typing.List[~bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.Lid] = <factory>, windows: ~typing.List[~bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.Window] = <factory>)[source]
Provides an accessible version of properties.doorsAndWindows.
- property all_lids_closed: bool
Check if all lids are closed.
- property all_windows_closed: bool
Check if all windows are closed.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.Lid(name: str, state: str)[source]
A lid of the vehicle.
Lids are: Doors + Trunk + Hatch
- property is_closed: bool
Check if the lid is closed.
- name
name of the lid
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.LidState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Possible states of the hatch, trunk, doors, windows, sun roof.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.doors_windows.LockState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Possible states of the door locks.
Generals models used for bimmer_connected.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.fuel_and_battery.ChargingState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Charging state of electric vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.fuel_and_battery.FuelAndBattery(remaining_range_fuel: ~bimmer_connected.models.ValueWithUnit | None = <factory>, remaining_range_electric: ~bimmer_connected.models.ValueWithUnit | None = <factory>, remaining_range_total: ~bimmer_connected.models.ValueWithUnit | None = <factory>, remaining_fuel: ~bimmer_connected.models.ValueWithUnit | None = <factory>, remaining_fuel_percent: int | None = None, remaining_battery_percent: int | None = None, charging_status: ~bimmer_connected.vehicle.fuel_and_battery.ChargingState | None = None, charging_start_time: ~datetime.datetime | None = None, charging_end_time: ~datetime.datetime | None = None, is_charger_connected: bool = False, charging_target: int | None = None)[source]
Provides an accessible version of status.FuelAndBattery.
- charging_end_time: datetime | None = None
The estimated time the vehicle will have finished charging.
- charging_start_time: datetime | None = None
The planned time the vehicle will start charging in local time.
- charging_status: ChargingState | None = None
Charging state of the vehicle.
- charging_target: int | None = None
State of charging target in percent.
- classmethod from_vehicle_data(vehicle_data: Dict)[source]
Create the class based on vehicle data from API.
- is_charger_connected: bool = False
Get status of the connection
- remaining_battery_percent: int | None = None
State of charge of the high voltage battery in percent.
- remaining_fuel: ValueWithUnit | None
Get the remaining fuel of the vehicle.
- remaining_fuel_percent: int | None = None
State of charge of the high voltage battery in percent.
- remaining_range_electric: ValueWithUnit | None
Get the remaining range of the vehicle on electricity.
- remaining_range_fuel: ValueWithUnit | None
Get the remaining range of the vehicle on fuel.
- remaining_range_total: ValueWithUnit | None
Get the total remaining range of the vehicle (fuel + electricity, if available).
Generals models used for bimmer_connected.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.location.VehicleLocation(location: GPSPosition | None = None, heading: int | None = None, vehicle_update_timestamp: datetime | None = None, account_region: Regions | None = None, remote_service_position: Dict | None = None)[source]
The current position of a vehicle.
- classmethod from_vehicle_data(vehicle_data: Dict)[source]
Create the class based on vehicle data from API.
- heading: int | None = None
The last known heading/direction of the vehicle.
- location: GPSPosition | None = None
The last known position of the vehicle.
- remote_service_position: Dict | None = None
- set_remote_service_position(remote_service_dict: Dict)[source]
Store remote service position returned from vehicle finder service.
- vehicle_update_timestamp: datetime | None = None
Models the state of a vehicle.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.CheckControlMessage(description_short: str, description_long: str | None, state: CheckControlStatus)[source]
Check control message sent from the server.
- description_long: str | None
- description_short: str
- classmethod from_api_entry(type: str, severity: str, longDescription: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
Parse a check control entry from the API format to CheckControlMessage.
- state: CheckControlStatus
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.CheckControlMessageReport(messages: ~typing.List[~bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.CheckControlMessage] = <factory>, has_check_control_messages: bool = False, urgent_check_control_messages: str | None = None)[source]
Parse and summarizes check control messages (e.g. low tire pressure).
- has_check_control_messages: bool = False
Indicate if check control messages are present.
- messages: List[CheckControlMessage]
List of check control messages.
- urgent_check_control_messages: str | None = None
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.CheckControlStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Status of the condition based services.
- LOW = 'LOW'
- OK = 'OK'
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedService(service_type: str, state: ConditionBasedServiceStatus, due_date: datetime | None, due_distance: ValueWithUnit)[source]
Entry in the list of condition based services.
- due_date: datetime | None
- due_distance: ValueWithUnit
- classmethod from_api_entry(type: str, status: str, dateTime: str | None = None, mileage: int | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
Parse a condition based service entry from the API format to ConditionBasedService.
- service_type: str
- state: ConditionBasedServiceStatus
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedServiceReport(messages: ~typing.List[~bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedService] = <factory>, is_service_required: bool = False, next_service_by_distance: ~bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedService | None = None, next_service_by_time: ~bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedService | None = None)[source]
Parse and summarizes condition based services (e.g. next oil service).
- is_service_required: bool = False
Indicate if a service is required.
- messages: List[ConditionBasedService]
List of the condition based services.
- next_service_by_distance: ConditionBasedService | None = None
Next service by distance.
- next_service_by_time: ConditionBasedService | None = None
Next service by due date.
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.ConditionBasedServiceStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Status of the condition based services.
- OK = 'OK'
- class bimmer_connected.vehicle.reports.Headunit(idrive_version: str = '', headunit_type: str = '', software_version: str = '')[source]
Parse and summarizes headunit hard/software versions.
- headunit_type: str = ''
Type of headunit.
- idrive_version: str = ''
IDRIVE generation.
- software_version: str = ''
Current software revision of vehicle